The HOURS I have wasted worrying…

Can I just say—the HOURS I HAVE WASTED WORRYING depleted my energy, sapped my joy, and had no effect on my circumstances. I worried and fretted and cried and lost sleep—to no avail. Letting go of worry is kind of like free falling—except you never hit the ground. And eventually, you learn to relax into it.

Friends I tried to control all the things, the people, the moods, the environment and *I can speak with authority* it didn’t work.

Leonard Family / Peaceful Peaceful

My friend recently told me her grandma used to always say, “It either will or it won’t.” There is profound wisdom in that simple statement. The underlying meaning being there’s not a lot I can do to control this, so I’m going to sit back and watch it unfold.

This is the meaning, the heart, the peaceful passion behind this new necklace. peaceful heart necklace

I feel all the feelings—joy, fear, love, anger—and then I remind myself of this truth—I am loved by the God of the universe and all will be well. My heart can exhale, relax, and just be present in this moment. This is my place of peace and my heart finds its home here. The Peaceful Heart Necklace is a perfect reminder that you are loved and held by the God of the universe. The world is not a random, chaotic place but held together by a loving God.

Let go with me and relax into being in the moment. God holds all of it.

Shop my NEW peaceful heart necklace here >>

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