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for so long i told myself i wasn't a writer..

maybe i loved writing so much i was scared to admit how much it meant to me? slowly i began to realize how much meaning i found through writing.

you know what else I've found? connection with YOU

in brave, vulnerable moments i’ve shared real life with you and you’ve encouraged me and shared your story, too. through my blog and social media we’ve built a community filled with hope and love. it’s truly amazing and beautiful.

about the book.

my book is called brave love. that title fits so perfectly with my journey—a journey of figuring out what it means to love bravely, a journey of realizing there is space for me to be me. it’s full of tender, beautiful moments and broken, desperate moments and silly, crazy moments. it’s honest and real and i hope your heart will resonate with it.

page by page i share about the day david was born and we found out he had a severe disability. then matthias joined our family and everything was turned upside down in unexpected ways. i talk about how our jewelry business grew from stringing beads at our kitchen table to employing hundreds of people. the hardest thing I wrote about was the breakdown and rebuilding of our marriage. this book is filled with my heart and soul. i believe it’s when we share ourselves honestly that we connect most deeply.

pre-order the book today!

Brave Love - on Amazon Brave Love on Barnes and Noble

thank YOU, friend.

this book wouldn’t have been written without you. my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

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