a little bit of winter.

just a few pics from a walk around the neighborhood. it’s a rainy day again, with a lazy morning and chocolate chip pancakes. but i’m off to the workshop to finish up the christmas orders. i hope berries, white lights, cozy blankets and hot cocoa are part of your saturday plans. {{hugs}}


  1. 19 degrees yesterday with piles of residual snow from a snow storm earlier in the week. Looking forward this afternoon to cocoa, cookie baking, and finishing up the Christmas decorations (which should have been done weeks ago!). Happy Sunday!

  2. Hi there, it’s raining in New Zealand at last!! Yay!!! We were heading for a drought and were on water restrictions way too early so I’m happy!
    It’s Sunday here and I am very stressed.. we are going away tomorrow for 8 days and I have to admit – I LOATHE everything about travelling, from packing to organising someone to look after all our animals to.. and … and…. I wish I didn’t feel this way but I do! Some people are happy just to be where they are – I’m one of those and proud of it!! I cannot wait to get home and I haven’t even left yet. The main reason for going is to cook my mother a lovely christmas dinner and I will love doing that I have to say. Smiles.. I promise!

  3. It’s cold and rainy here. Baking cookies, hot chocolate and fun were in the plans, but the grocery store called and ruined our plans. Oh well. I’m still loving sitting here looking at Christmas lights and snuggling with my boy.

  4. Aw……..thanks so much! I know you are a busy lady right now but so glad you find the time to post such lovely pictures and bring a smile to our hearts and faces. Blessings galore!

  5. Hi Lisa,
    Just wanted to let you know I made it to Ruby Rose this morning…..I am in love….and even walked away with a few things…..dropped your name to the woman behind the desk when she asked how I heard about the place……They said that I was the person who traveled the farthest this morning to visit….Enjoying these rain showers and my family in Morro Bay…..Hoping to get to have a cup of coffee with you….

    Happy Holidays,
    [email protected]

  6. We have had snow snow snow in England – six and a half hours in traffic trying to get home from a trip into London. Definitely hot chocolate and brownie now! Enjoy your weekend x

  7. We have the white lights and cozy blankets in our saturday but no berries. I was cleaning like a mad woman and then decided i would stop and not be so ridiculous and enjoy the day with my kids! 😀

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