David’s {and DIY} Vision Statement

Last week we had David’s IEP {Individual Education Plan}. If you run in disabled circles you’ll know an IEP is created by the team that works with David–including social workers, physical therapists and parents. We LOVE David’s team. They are incredible and every day we’re grateful for the way they pour into David’s life.

David’s teacher created a one-page profile that is infinitely more readable than an IEP and gives a fuller picture of David. It includes a Vision Statement and it’s a genius idea!  I love this! So empowering and beautiful. It’s a profile we can share with new caregivers and professionals who come into David’s life. My favorite part is the Vision Statement we created for David. And you guys loved it too

David Leonard, Age 20 Student/Musician/Diagnosed with Cornelia De Lange Syndrome

I am powerful and capable. My life is full of adventure and friends. I’m nonverbal but I have much to say. I’ve discovered a fullness to life not found in possessions, but in people, connection and living in the moment. Slow down and take time with me and I’ll teach you what true joy looks like. I’ll show you how to love with abandon.



Isn’t it powerful? I know it deeply resonated with so many of you. I got lots of requests to help you write a Vision Statement for your disabled child or yourself. And I love this idea! I decided I needed my own Vision Statement.

Lisa, Age 48 Mother/Author/Jewelry Designer

I am powerful and kind. My life is full of my favorite people and sacred moments. I cannot control other people or the world around me, but I can feel my feelings, believe God holds all things and let each day unfold. I’ve discovered a fullness to life not found in keeping the status quo, but in letting go of fear and embracing peace. Slow down and take time with me and I will teach you how to have compassion for yourself and hold space for others. I will show you how to live with your whole heart.


Okay friends are you ready to write your own Vision Statement? I’ve created a template to make it easy. Don’t overthink it. Just write whatever comes to mind and fine-tune until it feels write. Until it feels like it captures who you are! Here’s a free download just for you. Please share it with me when you’re done! I can’t wait to read it and celebrate YOU.



  1. Love the vision statement document. I’m wondering if you have a working file like the on with David’s photo, strengths, what doesn’t work, what works for me, etc.. I’m trying to create something similar for our church, and I’m terrible with technology. I thought if somebody had already created a fillable document, it would make things much easier.

    1. Courtney from Inclusion Evolution has created a living/evolving document.

      And so has Meriah Nichols at her blog.

      The original one-page profiles were created and promulgated by Helen Sanderson in England.

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