What Will Love Be Like In 100 Years? you & me {forever}

on saturday evening steve and i had a date night planned. the babysitter arrived and i grabbed my tripod and asked steve if we could shoot a few pics before we went to dinner. he agreed {he’s such a good sport} but as soon as we walked up the hill we started to argue. he had ideas. i had different ideas. i got mad. i was ready to pick up the tripod and forget the whole thing. but then we each took a deep breathe and apologized.

and i tried to let go of my pride and hear his thoughts. which were good. and then we started having fun and we ended up getting some pictures that i love. we’re not perfect, but we’re good together.

babe, it’s you & me forever. i love you.


  1. I love this, Lisa! What a beautiful heart and what a beautiful blog post!
    The pictures are so precious of you and your hubby.
    We fight hard over here sometimes, too…me and my hubby. Glad your date turned out lovely!
    Thanks for sharing precious parts of your life, with all of us (:

  2. Lisa, you are lovely. Lovely in your “realness”, lovely in your weaknesses and stregnths.

    There are so many of us out here in this bloggy world who admire you tremendously, and it can be easy to put someone like you up on a pedatal…imagining that you have the perfect job, the perfect home, the perfect outfits 🙂 and the perfect marriage. But no one is perfect. And so your honesty is a good reminder that we all need God’s grace every day…even you who moves through life so gracefully.

  3. I loved this post. I love how you let us know about the arguing. It’s real, but I love even more how y’all worked it out so easily! The photos are beautiful!!

    -Many Smiles

  4. Love the honesty. I check your blog every day but I’ve never commented. Just wanted to say thanks for keepin’ it real. Makes me feel normal! Love the things you have to say on here and your family is precious. Thanks for sharing them with us 🙂

    Angie from Ohio

  5. this sounds like something that could happen between Zack and I — I’m glad you were able to have fun on your date, even though you argued for a minute… Because let’s be honest, marriage may not be “every day easy” but it’s “big picture easy.”


  6. The other day, I heard an audio book talking about communication in the marriage and according to the author, the happiness of your marriage lies on the 16 seconds between an action and an reaction.
    If you can hold yourself for that long and undress from anxieties, the other will also use the 16 seconds to think about he/she just said.
    Anyway, just a thought. I love seeing your pics!
    Happy Belated Valentine’s!

  7. Love is patient, love is kind….
    When my husband and I are grumpy towards each other, I suggest a short time out before we say things we don’t mean. I try to find the source of the grumpiness, and most of the time, it’s not so much grumpiness toward each other, but a longing for each other, that sometimes goes unfulfilled because of the every dayness of life. A quick peck before flying out the door to work,etc.
    After this short time out, we both change our demanors, hug and kiss and just get on with it.

  8. The pictures turned out beautifully – and they were another practice in compromise – and partnership. It’s the most precious thing in the world to have people you can love forever, and who you know will love you back – forever. Happy (belated) Valentines day to you!

  9. Love the honesty! I wake up early sometimes thinking that I’ll make my husband breakfast before he leaves for work. It usually ends up in an argument. I don’t know why….maybe too early. I stay in bed now! 🙂

  10. Love it Lisa. My husband & I fight like cats and dogs. . .and yet, I can’t imagine my life without him or with anyone else. We’re so much better together than apart.

    We’re in it forever.

    And maybe one day we’ll learn to fight like two animals that are a little less volatile. 🙂

  11. Pretty sure I was the grumpier of the two of us by far–and we did have a good time! No one else I’d rather journey through life with. I love you too Babe!!

  12. I love the last one! And sooooo hard sometimes to give up your pride and let go of your anger in favor of getting things done 🙂 Then you realize the [insert amount of time it took] it took is all worth it 🙂

  13. i think that’s a beautiful “picture” of the beauty of marriage. “and then we fought”…”and then we apologized”…”and we ended up getting some pictures that i love”

    those refining moments after an argument are tough and so beautiful. glad you captured them. 🙂

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