A Savior is Born or ‘True Spirit of Christmas’ meaning

Today I’m teaming up with World Vision to talk about the ‘True Spirit of Christmas’.  I love World Vision and what they do, check out their blog and find out more about child sponsorship here.

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I grew up in a Christian family where I understood the true meaning of Christmas from a very young age. I heard the Christmas story so many times I became almost numb to it. The Wiseman, shepherds, angels and stable animals were all supporting actors in a play that I had seen too many times and at times felt I couldn’t sit through again. After all, there were presents waiting to be unwrapped and hot cocoa waiting to be sipped. I am thankful my parents didn’t indulge my childish impatience, and that they consistently took time to explore the spirit behind Christmas with my siblings and me. It’s more than just a season that happens every year and brings sweets and gifts. The first Christmas was an earth-altering, destiny-changing day. Those there to witness it must have been in awe of what was happening.

This year my family is looking more closely at the nativity story {found in Luke 2 and Matthew 2}. We want to explore what it must have been like to be the various people inside the nativity story. What did each of them think and feel? Did they know that they were witnessing the most important historical event that would ever take place?

In the dark of night, an angel appeared to shepherds in a field and told them of Jesus’ birth. They were tending their sheep, just expecting another normal night, when an angel appeared. In Luke 2, we are told they were terrified. What would it have been like to see a real angel? The shepherds dropped what they were doing and went to find the Savior. I wonder, did they expect to find Jesus in a stable, lying in a manger?

We are told in Matthew 2 that the Magi {Wiseman} were overjoyed when the star led them to Jesus. They had been warned in a dream not to let King Herod know where the child was. When they found Jesus, did the Wiseman really understand they stood in the presence of God? Where they fearful of hiding his whereabouts from Kind Herod?

The story of Jesus’ birth spread quickly around the land. We are told all who heard it were amazed. Did they believe that God had sent his son to save all humankind? Did they want to go and see the baby for themselves?

The virgin Mary had just given birth to a baby boy. In Luke 2, we are told she pondered all these things and treasured them in her heart. She was a new wife and a new mom. Was she nervous about the responsibilities in front of her? Did she feel unfit to raise a child who was the Son of God?

Will you join my family and I as we take time to consider the magnitude of Christmas and how are lives are forever changed? Read the Christmas story and talk about how different people in the story must have felt and what they experienced. Check out their 12 Blogs of Christmas–so inspiring.  Also, will you consider giving a gift that will change the lives of others? Check out the World Vision Gift Catalog and find some incredible ways to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas!


  1. This year we gave a pig to a family in a third world country. Asking God how we can do more. We have a desire to take the focus off of ourselves and point it back to the one and only, Jesus.

  2. Hi Lisa! Love this post! We too have been reading Luke 2 and Matthew 2 and spending time focusing on Christmas being Jesus’ birthday! {that is very exciting to my 3 year old son!} It is so important to remember what a beautiful gift we were given with Christ our Lord and Savior and how special to celebrate that gift with others during this Christmas season!
    Have a blessed day!!

  3. Very nice. I enjoyed this post. I t reminded me of when I was” teaching” ( I use that term loosely) a 5th grade CCD class one year and as I explained to them the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem…9 months pregnant, on a donkey, in the cold and I’m sure very anxious…that’s when it hit me exactly what Mary must have felt at the time….but she knew in her heart that everything was going to be fine. what faith it must have taken!

  4. Great post! Thanks for the wonderful reminder! We are sending our “gfit to Jesus” (one of my childhood traditions, now continuing with my kids) to World Vision 🙂

  5. What a lovely inspiring post Lisa. And, you are so right, World Vision is TOPS! I have been sponsoring a young girl for some time and am impressed beyond words with the organization of World Vision and the many ways one can minister through them. Thanks for sharing!

  6. He was born to die so we could die to self and experience our own re-birth. We light the advent wreath each week leading up to Christmas to remind us of the greater purpose during the holidays.

  7. A wonderful reminder in the midst of all of the hectic “doing”. We have been reading “Jotham’s Journey” with our boys this year. It’s a wonderful book series (3 of them) that outlines the adventures of a child during the time before Jesus was born. They are wonderful! May you all experience the reality of our Savior this season!

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