thank you, kind souls.



thank you, my sweet friends for your words of encouragement.  yesterday i was downtown with david, just running errands and we crossed paths with a woman who had cerebral palsy.  we smiled at each other–but inside i wanted to grab her, hug her, and know her.  please understand, i didn’t pity her, i resonated with her.  life is hard and every one of us is broken and needy.  we have friends going through marriage difficulties, job loss and other hardship.  and i know you, my blog friends, struggle, too.  real life is a struggle.  and in the midst of that we find hope and beauty. i feel this tension every day–and yesterday i felt a little overwhelmed by the tension.

* * *

last night was spent with chrissie in santa barbara.  it was impromptu sister getaway.  we talked and talked and it fed my soul.  the red case pictured above is my christmas gift from her.  love it!  sending big hugs to you today!


  1. Lisa, I haven’t checked out your blog in awhile and I’m glad I did. Your photos are gorgeous and your words so honest and beautiful. It is true that inside, most of us are hurting or struggling in some sort of way. Some people, like the woman with CP that you ran across, show our pain or “handicap” on the outside, while others, like me, have our pain inside.

    My precious son, Philip passed away just this past Sept.25th. He was only 21 years old. I will carry the pain and heartache inside of me every day of my life. It is a pain that no parent should ever have to go through. A parent’s worst nightmare.

    On another note, while I’m here, I want to say that I still absolutely love my necklace that I ordered from you last year. It has multiple charms with my name, my hubby’s name, and our anniversary date. We celebrated 25 years of marriage with a trip to San Francisco (we live in the Chicago suburbs) just 2 weeks before Phil passed away.

    God bless you…

  2. Lisa,
    I recently was introduced to your website the other day; my cousin received the Mama necklace for Christmas so I wanted to look around. I was reading your stories and was touched on how well you are able to put into words what so many of us feel. Thank you for sharing those moments! I love your jewelry and already of a wish list for the upcoming events that I have. I too, love taking pictures and the stories they tell. Looking forward to reading more!

  3. Trust me, I know! I have been there with my younger son, Ryan. Later, we ( You and I) know God gave us a reason behind this. That’s something I would not change , nor would you with David.

    Enjoy your time with your sister.

    Hugs back to you, Laura

  4. hi lisa,
    the honesty of your blogs, the last couple days, has been so refreshing. so encouraging and comforting. thank you 🙂

  5. I totally know what you mean. Tonight was our school’s Christmas program. Aaron my ten year old has a boy in his class that does not talk and I think has CP. Well, he had a part in the program and did an amazing job. God was definitely smiling. My kids go to a Christian School and I am so thankful that all the kids in his class are so welcoming. I pray that my sweet Anna can go there too. I wanted to hug him and say great job, but I didn’t see him afterwards! My dream would be Anna twirling a ribbon just like the boy in Aaron’s class!!!

  6. You put into words something that I have silently felt so many times–thank you for that.

    Why do weso easily forget that we are all facing a battle, many inwards and silently. Life is hard and we need each other not to compare and out do each other with our hardships but to encourage and help carry the load.

    stepping off my soap box and ending speech of non-comparison blah blah blah……. I WANT A COOL TWIN SISTER LIKE YOURS!!!!

    Kathy (at)
    Having a Hallelujah Good Time

  7. I’m delurking for the first time. I *heart* your blog, it just makes me smile which at the moment is a very good thing.

    You’re right we all have our struggles and some have struggles that no one else knows about because they keep them behind closed doors.


  8. Lisa, my son, age 27 has cerebral palsy…1 lb. 13 ozs. at birth…confined to a wheelchair…graduated college…in grad school now with a 4.0 GPA…CAN’T FIND A TEACHING JOB…no one willing to take the risk…I FEEL YOUR PAIN and your joy. Life is hard; but we grow stronger in the hard places. Hang in there…God has a plan. And, about that woman you crossed paths with…next time, grab her, hug her, know her.

  9. a chance encounter with your blog and instant love. what a sould you have. the blog is beautiful and your family even more so. what a lovely example you set and todays message is so touching.

  10. Thank YOU Lisa! For sharing with us, reminding us… is there and when we all share with each other like this, in words and in pictures, I think it reminds all of us and feeds all of our souls. Big hugs to you today!!!

  11. So glad you got a chance to get away and talk with your sister. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that help us focus. Your blog is such a blessing to me.

    AND that red case is just like the one my mama used to carry when I was young! Love it.

  12. I wore my large link bracelet all day today and i want you to know i LOVE IT. You seem like such a genuine person. Yes, we all have struggles, but there is so much beauty, too… Still can’t wait to see my sister’s reaction to the bracelet!

  13. this really is the season where hardships are noticed a little bit more than usual…
    and what you said, was beautiful and true and warm…..

    I hope today is a good day….it has to be, with that cute case from your sister……

  14. Thank you for sharing so much with us. I wanted to comment on your post yesterday, but I was feeling rather overwhelmed myself, so didn’t. You encouraged me and today I feel lifted, thank you. So glad you had time with your sister – I feel revived after being with either of my brothers too. Thank you again and may God bless you mightily

  15. xo – so glad you got away to be with your sister – I too find amazing solice in time spent with my sister – I honestly do not khow how I would get through life , at tiems (especially the last 6 years) without my sister.

    I say this with ALL sincerity – bless your sweet heart! I honor and respect your life’s journey and your ability to share it so wonderfully with the blog world – I feel for me personally – you are a little Angel sent to remind me to treasure life – you know the little things!! 🙂

    THANK YOU! May your heart be blessed by ALL the beauty you see today and everyday!


  16. Hello Sweet Lisa,

    So true that we all have our struggles and challenges but it is the little things such as a smile, a kind word, a small gesture or knowing that other people’s struggles are more difficult than our own. It’s these struggles that make us appreciate the good all the more.

    I posted your giveaway yesterday and I hope you’ll stop by and see all of the amazing comments on your work…I hope it brings a smile to your face and a little sunshine to your day!

    Love and hugs,

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