1. I would just like to slow down and stop trying to control every aspect of life. I think it would help me feel the young 41 that I am instead of the 101 with the weight of the world on my shoulders (and hips for that matter). Ahhhhh, I feel lighter already! HAPPY NEW YEAR LISA!!

  2. Darling picture! My goal this year…not to have any goals but just enjoy each day & cherish my family. Life goes too quickly. Enjoy the Lord mostly…

  3. be okay with ME—I love that–if we truly love ourselves than we can more purely love others. Seeing ourselves as He does would probably do a lot for relationships and LOVE on this planet. Mine–choose to have a different perspective, to start believing again for things–thankful He is a great trauma doctor.

  4. I know it’s completely cliche but I must exercise more often. I was doing well for a while but my job got too busy. Now, I need to prioritize and get back to it.

  5. Sounds like good goals for the year. My big promise is to stay away from sweets more than before and loose weight. hugs, Mia

  6. Oh, I LOVE the photo of the little ones on the bench. The colors they are wearing are fabulous. You’re a great photographer!
    Happy New Year!

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