
The other day I was driving to my workshop and chatting with a close friend. We speak often, so while I soaked up a few moments of her time, I also mentally made a to-do list and took in the morning sunshine. In the busyness of my morning I gave her only part of my attention. Much to my surprise, in the middle of our conversation, I heard a word from the Lord.

It was too quiet to hear with my ears, but much too loud to ignore. “Stop what you’re doing” He said, “Listen to what she’s saying. Dig deeper. Nothing is more important than this moment.”

So I pulled the car over…

I’m blogging over at {in}courage today. So hop over and read the rest of the post here!


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I loved that story, and also the picture! I so often do that, listen to someone while I am thinking of 10 other things. A great reminder to me to stop and listen with my full attention, the way God listens to us.

    Thank you!


  2. Isn’t it crazy how we have become so busy that taking the time to listen to our friends seems like a chore. I am sure your friend appreciated that you listened to the Lord and took the time to really hear what she was saying.

  3. already did 🙂 i love when you post over there!!

    I left a more detailed comment there – love this reminder today!!

    so appreciate you sweet Lisa!


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