this is my story {new pieces to inspire}

dear friends! we just introduced jewelry for the new holiday collection. this collection is really dear to my heart. every time we introduce a new collection it’s exciting, but this collection feels like it’s full to the brim with meaning and sentiment and beauty. i truly love each piece and i hope you will, too!

my new ‘inspiration necklace’ is simply that–full of inspiration. the tags are hand-molded and organic, and of course, hand-stamped with names that are dear to your heart. the colors are some of my favorites. and the chain length is awesome. i love this piece!

i’ve been wearing this necklace every day and it feels right. my boys names, next to my heart, the clink of the glass and stone beads, it all came together in this necklace and i want to wear it. it inspires me.

the love and laurel necklace speaks of honor the gift of love. perfect.

the magical moment necklace captures that special feeling when everything is just right.

the tried and true necklace speaks of lasting love even through difficult times.

all are oh, so pretty and simple and begging to be worn or given to someone special.

my story is about finding beauty where i didn’t expect to find it. when david was born i thought my life was over, but this tiny baby, with only two fingers on his left hand, a serious heart defect and so many other physical issues, came into my life and taught me how to love. he broke down walls of pride and replaced with with an openness to letting life be imperfect–and that’s where joy came in.

and then matthias came along 18 months later, and rocked our world again. i was so thankful that matthias was healthy, then i felt guilty for being relieved, like i was somehow being unfaithful to david. i worried i wouldn’t know how to love two boys with such different needs. i wanted to be the perfect mom but i was faced with my own brokenness. accepting that has become a huge part of my journey. we are broken, but there is beauty to be found. i am imperfect and flawed but i’m still loved. this journey is not what i had planned, but it’s so much fuller and brighter and lovely than i expected!

this is the heart of my new collection. go check out all the new pieces and tell me which one is your favorite!


  1. tried and true is my favorite, although i’m sort of surprised, because it’s not my normal style, to say that i like the magical moment necklace too.

  2. I love your pieces and wear at least one of your necklaces every single day! I really like the tried and true necklace, the way the charms look like little ring buoy life preservers…

  3. BEAUTIFUL pieces! Can’t wait to order a few for myself and for others…

    And cheers to journeys that are not what we had planned but are fuller, brighter and more lovely than we would have ever dreamed! Oh, how I can relate!

    Blessings on your precious family…

  4. Lisa, I follow you on facebook and twitter because I love seeing pictures of your dear David. My daughter, Emma, was born with many physical and developmental issues and my journey to acceptance and then overwhelming love was very similar to yours. She went to heaven when she was 9 yrs old and though I know she is in the best place I miss her more than I ever thought possible. I love seeing pictures and hearing stories about David because he brings back such wonderful memories and feelings of peace and tenderness that I felt with Emma. I would definitely love to get the Memory Keeper necklace to remind myself of all of the memories Emma blessed me with. I will have to drop a few hints to my husband. Have a blessed day and thank you for sharing your David with me.

    1. Oh Statia, my heart is hurting for you. Thank you for sharing your story and for finding joy in my David. I wish you every peace and tenderness–your heart is so sweet. Hugs to you! xx

  5. I find such inspiration and acceptance from you and your story. I have two young sons, 17 months and 3 years. I am a single parent. My story did not unfold the way I had wanted it to, but I am so thankful I get to wake up each day and be with these two. I was really hard on myself for not having the ‘perfect’ life. When I found your blog and your story, I finally starting accepting what is. Thank you so much Lisa. =)

    1. Our stories don’t unfold the way we expect do they? I’m so glad you’re accepting what is and finding beauty. You’re an encouragement to me! xx

  6. I love hearing your story and love everything you do. The magical moment necklace is my favorite. It reminds me of another one you had in your shop but sold out before I could get my hands on it. Everything is beautiful!!

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