avila beach with my boys

We spent most of Saturday around the house working on various projects–and I could tell the boys {and me} were getting restless so Steve I decided we needed to get out and do something. Once we were in the car, we couldn’t decide where to go, and finally we settled on Avila Beach. We thought we’ll just walk down the pier and then see how we feel. At first, we were all pretty grumpy and just kind of ‘off’. But once we relaxed, we started to enjoy ourselves, and ended up having a great evening!We ate dinner and when we came outside, the sun had set. Such a different kind of lovely–don’t you think? How do you chase away the grumpiness?


  1. Hi Lisa honey, I’ve been grumpy way too much lately – mainly because of pressures of having a young dog who acts SO differently when his Dad is home (in a bad! way), also not looking forward to 7 weeks in europe (believe it or not) because it is way too long for me to be away from home. Also Chester (14.5mth old golden retriever) had a seizure, a nasty one, yesterday and I’m scared and grumpy with John because he doesn’t understand my being scared! Crikey.. giggle.. how will I chase my grumpiness away…. spend time in my garden when I can (have to watch dog fairly closely for next couple of days). I love tending my plant beauties! I also find watching birds makes my grumpiness/unsettledness just melt away! xxx

  2. How lovely, living close to the sea! – and more beautiful and inspiring photos, thank you! We went to the zoo on Saturday (we have a year pass) to do the very same thing!

  3. That’s what we used to do when were bored. You could always head to the beach for cheering up. I’m in PA now and oh do I miss California! Chasing away the grumpies…looking online for flights to Santa Barbara for summer vaca!! Your family is sweet….love the photos!

  4. Lisa, thanks for always being so authentic! It helps knowing that even then fabulous Lisa Leonard and her 3 guys (I have 3 guys, too!) have days where they are just in a funk. We’re all “normal”!! 🙂

    Getting outside helps us, too. Driving down to our favorite nature trail for a walk and then eating tacos at Wahoos helps us.(And picking up frozen yogurt for mommy and daddy after the littles are asleep also helps, too!)

    P.S. LOVE David’s Paul Frank vest. adorable!

  5. I want to be there. A crisp evening at the beach sounds lovely, and I love that moment when you realize everyone has chilled out and you can start enjoying. One of my favorite things about our time in California was the quick trip to the beach. So refreshing!

  6. Loved your pictures. I chase away the grumpiness by taking a walk or playing a fun word game on the computer. If I lived near a beach I would definitely take a walk there.

  7. chasing away grumpiness…..hmmm, sometimes just a movie and popcorn on the couch helps our boys and sometimes a trip to visit Grammy or just going to Target to LOOK at all the toys chills everyone out. 🙂

  8. I love your pics. of the beach ~ looks like such a great family day! We usually chase away the grumpies by taking a trip to see the ocean (The Atlantic). Although it’s been a mild winter here in New England, my husband, son & I were just saying that we need a weekend getaway to see the beach!!

  9. I love it! You were feeling blah and instead of wallowing in the misery (which is so easy to do sometimes) you took action, you did something about it, not knowing how it was going to turn out. What a great gift of the day!!! Chasing away grumpiness? Chocolate, of course (just kidding).

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